- 複合的な在留活動が可能(本来、資格外活動許可を取らないといけない場合も)
- 在留期間は最長の「5年」(最長の期間なので、更新の煩わしさがありません)
- 永住許可申請時に必要な年数の短縮(70点以上は3年、80点以上または今回の特別高度人材は1年)
- 配偶者の就労(学歴や職歴の要件を満たしていなくても勤務可能です)
- 親の呼び寄せ(妊娠中または7歳未満の子がいて、同居する場合)
- 家事使用人の呼び寄せ(13歳未満の子がいる等、一定の条件はあります)
- 入国・在留手続の優先処理(通常申請から1〜3ヶ月のところ、5〜10日になります!)
Special Highly Skilled Professionals System (J-Skip) has started in spring 2023.
In general, "Highly Skilled Professional" visa is a point based system. You will be eligible when your points are more than 70, calculated based on annual income, age, professional and educational background.
Under the new system, the "Highly Skilled Professional (No. 1)" visa status will also be granted if the applicant's educational or professional background and annual income fall under this category.
If your annual income is 20 million yen or more with a master's degree, or have worked for 10 years or more, you may be eligible. However, for business management activities, the annual income must be 40 million yen or more and the work experience must be 5 years or more.
The benefits of "Highly Skilled Professional" are as follows:
- You could engage in other activities permitted under your visa without permission;
- Visa period will be 5 years;
- Required period of residence for Permanent Resident Application will be shortened;
- Your spouse will be allowed to work even if he/she does not meet work visa requirements;
- You could invite your parents if you have child younger than 7;
- You may sponsor a nanny visa; and
- Visa application period will be faster. For example, it will only take about a week or so after visa application.